
'ZONE FITNESS HIIT™ #5 | 30 Minutes'

'ZONE FITNESS HIIT™ #5 | 30 Minutes'

'High intensity interval training is a cardiovascular class incorporating short periods of intense anaerobic exercise with short periods of rest. Designed to build a healthier heart, promotes fat loss and increases metabolism.  DONATIONS Each class comes with a donation option, we understand many of you are struggling too so it is just whatever you can give, if anything at all. We ask that if you are kind enough to donate, you use the ‘friends and family’ option, this eliminates any charges from PayPal. Please use the link below:  https://www.paypal.me/sambliss13?locale.x=en_GB  DISCLAIMER You are responsible for exercising within your limits and assume all risk of injury to your person or property. To the extent permitted by law, Zone Fitness UK and its affiliates disclaim any and all liability in connection with the exercises in this video and any instructions and advice provided.  Consult your physician before attempting the exercises in this video and follow his or her advice. Do no attempt the exercises in this video if you have a history of chest pain, knee, ankle, wrist, shoulder, joint, or spinal (back or neck) problems or injuries. Read and follow all safety guidance accompanying this video. If at any time you feel you are exercising beyond your current fitness abilities, or you feel discomfort, pain, dizziness, our nausea, you should discontinue exercising immediately.  Join our community: INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/zonefitnessuk/  FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/zonefitnessuk/  #hiitworkout #worokoutfromhome #ownyourzone' 

Tags: fitness , Workout , home workout , exercise , hiit , full body , active , fitness class , exercise class , high intensity training , stay active , zone fitness

SEE ALSO: MMA , BUTTERFLY WORKOU , M S Food , bauch , prenatal workout , aerobic exercise , street food , 30 minute workout , abs workout , MasterClass

Apr 16, 2022
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